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2. září 2022 v 08:06
How do you choose between PTE and IELTS? Many of us have dreams of studying and living abroad in countries that speak English, such as Australia, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. In addition, many aspiring test-takers find it difficult to prove their proficiency in English. That's why comparing PTE and IELTS is so important. During the decision-making process, don't just follow someone's recommendations blindly, but rather perform your own analysis, weigh your options, and do your calculations.
If you are comparing PTE vs IELTS, you should certainly consider a number of parameters, including PTE vs IELTS score comparison, PTE vs IELTS comparison which is more accepted and where, PTE vs IELTS price comparison, how easy is PTE compared to IELTS, and many more. Please do not worry, we will analyze each of these in detail so that you can make a more informed career decision. In this article, we'll compare the two English tests, including the difficulty level, price, format, acceptance, and more. After reading this article, you'll certainly know more about PTE vs IELTS tests, so you can decide which one is more suitable for you. So don't worry, buckle your seat and find out what the differences are between PTE and IELTS, and which one is easier to take.
Edutrainex helps you decide which of PTE and IELTS will be easier for you, depending on your needs. Once you have decided, we will help you prepare for the exams and you will pass.

For More Info:- core-easier/
2. září 2022 v 08:05
PTE describe image template
A PTE Describe Image test layout has three components. At the top you will find instructions, which is also referred to as task prompts, which explain what you need to do. On your left you will find the image you need to describe. A countdown timer appears on the right side, starting with 25 seconds and decreasing to 0 seconds after which the microphone is enabled, and you have to start speaking immediately. You may also use our PTE Describe image template. During the PTE Describe image, you must not speak before you hear the tone in order to record your response. Also, make sure you don't pause for over 3 seconds, otherwise, the microphone will be disabled and you cannot record anything else.
In PTE Describe Image, as in every other PTE speaking task except Answer Short Question, we are scored in three areas: Content, Pronunciation and Oral Fluency. For PTE Describe Image content, you should first ask yourself the question "Does your response accurately and thoroughly describe the image?" According to the official PTE, the best answers for Describe image questions cover all aspects of the image, contain logical and specific information, and, if possible, also include possible developments, conclusions, or implications. In short, you should present your response as an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
Our PTE describes Image template can be easily used on any type of image in the exam. It has been tested by our previous students to help you get a good result for the Describe image task at Edutrainex.

For More Info:- s-and-template/
25. července 2022 v 15:11
PTE Summarize Written Text
25. července 2022 v 15:10
PTE Reorder paragraph
25. července 2022 v 15:09
PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks
15. července 2022 v 10:07
Reorder paragraph
13. července 2022 v 11:04
Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks
13. července 2022 v 11:03
PTE Summarize Written Text
11. července 2022 v 17:50
The users who are not aware if the MetaMask login is only for Ether or for other cryptocurrencies as well need to know that this wallet service is exclusively available as Ether wallet and Ethereum browser. This wallet helps you interact with Dapps and Smart Contracts in a unique way.
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